
'Literature' curated by Louisa Warfield during Cheltenham Literature Festival 5 - 16 0ct 22

Running in conjunction with the Cheltenham Literature Festival, art consultant and curator Louisa Warfield presents “Literature”, a group exhibition of works by 14 artists and the books which influenced them.

Books conjure up fantastical images in the mind. They inspire filmic reconstructions, ethereal illustrations, theatre and art, which bring alternative worlds into lively, vivid detail. With storytelling in mind, the artists of ‘Literature’ succumb to a deeply personal relationship with their chosen text, pushing interpretation beyond literal description into a more guttural and abstracted response. The result is a deeply varied, tender exhibition, where each book- inspired work contributes to a new, collective narrative.

Cheltenham Literature Festival has attracted writers, artists and literary enthusiasts since 1949, and has since grown to be one of the most revered and inclusive festivals of its kind. Every year in October, hundreds of pop-up shows and events descend on the town to celebrate creative writing in its many forms. Warfield’s debut Cheltenham exhibition is a celebration of the festival’s history and its impact on Gloucestershire’s flourishing art scene.

Artists exhibited will be: Miranda Boulton, Aliki Braine, Louise Bristow, Filippo Caramazza, Marice Cumber, Kate Giles, Susie Hamilton, James Hawke, Charles Inge, Madi Kavanagh, Helen Kincaid, Andrew McIntosh, Gill Rocca and Reed Wilson.